5 Staggering Painter Local SEO Marketing Tips for 2023

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For a painter, Local SEO is a high-opportunity marketing venture. Ranking on Google’s Local Map 3-Pack and the top of organic SERPs for local terms are among the most affordable ways to generate painting company leads in 2023.

Local painters must focus on marketing to the people in your immediate area. That’s what local SEO for painting companies is all about.

Think about it: there are only so many consumers in your cities and areas of operation. That means you will compete for the same business with other painting contractors. 

It could be a significant challenge if your geographic market is full of painting contractors offering the same services as you. Contractor Webmasters offers five local SEO marketing tips below to help you win.

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1) Optimize Google Business Profile

Most of the time, the Google Local Map Pack shows up as the top result or nearly the top result of the first page of search query results. And what type of listings does Google use to display results in the local map pack? Google Business Profile listings. 

Google Business Profile listings on the Local Map Pack results of relevant pages are not only what your consumers will likely see first when they search, but they will likely be the results they click on as well. 

That’s why getting your business set up on Google My Business is so important. It is more effortless than the verification process, which could entail sending Google a copy of your business license and other documents.

Here are some tips for optimizing your Google Business Profile for the best results:

  • Be sure to include current and accurate information regarding your phone number, physical address, and company name. 
  • List all of the areas that you service.
  • Provide a brief yet informative description of your business
  • Include a link to your website
  • Include high-quality images that pertain to your business and the services you offer
  • Update these pages normally (i.e., adding new photos, updating information, or simply making tweaks to your posts and descriptions)

2) Get Google Reviews

Reviews are a significant ranking factor in getting back to the Google Local Map Pack, which is incredibly important for painter local SEO marketing. When you are talking about ranking for the local map pack specifically, consumer reviews are the 2nd most crucial ranking factor behind only a Google Business Profile listing. 

Be sure to ask your customers for reviews and let them know how important their feedback is to your business. You can also include a link to the Google review page in your email correspondences with your customers. However, don’t incentivize reviews with discounts, violating Google’s guidelines.

3) Run Social Media Ads

If you already have a Facebook Page for your business, you should be utilizing Facebook ads. If you don’t have a Facebook Page, set up, doing so should be priority number one. Facebook ads can be highly lucrative because they can be made to target users in a specific area. 

You can also use social media to connect with people in your immediate area. Post news or updates about local events and get involved with community groups. Make sure your posts have links back to your own website for anyone interested in your services. 

4) Optimize for Mobile Users

Did you know that 60% of consumers use a mobile device to search Google? That means that more than half of your local market uses their phones to find services like yours. So you have to ask yourself whether your site accommodates these mobile users. Some essential mobile site optimization tips include:

  • Put all the most important information at or near the top of the page
  • Make clickable buttons large enough to be easily seen and pressed
  • Make sure all images on your mobile site are compressed
  • Make sure all the pages load quickly on mobile devices

5) Publish Local Landing Pages

It can also help develop specific landing pages that correspond to the areas you offer your services. While you won’t want to spend too much time and energy on making a particular landing page for every city you service (mainly if you cover a wide swath of areas), it can help stand out to consumers in the areas you service. 

One problem with city pages is duplicate content, as many contractors try to make duplicate pages and switch out the city name. Sometimes this tactic works, but it doesn’t, as Google will stop indexing the pages. One way to combat this potential issue is with DataPins, a local SEO tool that publishes schema pins and mini-maps of your jobs.

Painter Local Landing Page Screenshot

We mention this to emphasize the importance of SEO targeting your local market. Remember, SEO is an incredibly effective tactic for increasing your company’s visibility to local consumers. 

Painter Local SEO Services

If you are interested in local SEO for painting companies, be sure to check out our painter SEO services. Our monthly plans include DataPins, the previously mentioned tool that optimizes local landing pages while expanding SEO service areas. In addition, painting contractors also receive a custom website, on-page SEO, Google Business Profile optimization, and more.

Posted: | Updated: Feb 2, 2023 | Categories: Local SEO |